Sunday, May 1, 2011


Many are very cautious to begin using creatine as a supplement in their training and diet programs. They hear many false rumors and some even compare it to steroids.However for many it can be a very useful aid in their training and can very quickly help you pick your workout up if you have hit a plateau. Creatine does two major things for your body to help build muscle. One is allow for your muscles to absorb more water. This will make muscles look bigger and be harder as well as allow for them to be more powerful. The other use in the body is in the aid of making ATP. ATP is the major source of energy. Creatine is stored in the muscles as creatine phosphate. When your muscles run out of ATP during exercise creatine helps the body create ATP in a quicker manor allowing the muscles to keep working. For a more in depth explanation of this idea go to

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