Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Biological Value of Protein in Food

Over this Spring Break, my dad and I went on a fishing trip, and caught a bunch of fish to eat. When thinking about the fish, I began to think about something Brian was talking about called the biological value of proteins. The biological value of a food refers to how quickly and effectively the protein in the food can be digested and used by the human body. Brian spoke about a couple foods, and one he referred to was fish. He said it had a very high biological value, so i decided to see just how high it and other foods were. I found that eggs are one of the highest at 94%, with fish slightly ahead of beef at 76% with beef at 74%. What these numbers show is the percent of the nitrogen that is absorbed by the body.  A ratio of nitrogen incorporated into the body over nitrogen absorbed gives a measure of protein 'usability' - the BV.

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