Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The key thing that most people lack in their everyday lives is sleep. Very often we see people only getting three or four hours of sleep, which is not nearly enough for anyone. Younger guys trying to bulk up really need sleep, because when you are asleep, your testosterone levels are at their highest. This means that when sleeping, human growth hormones are at their highest in your body, so getting enough is very beneficial towards bulking up and growing muscle. For those not trying to build muscle, sleep is very important for staying healthy, because studies show that during sleep, your body's immune system is much stronger. Therefore sleeping enough will help you fight off infections and illness. Also, sleep helps with memory and attentiveness. Those who sleep more are much more likely to be able to store things in their mind and will be more mentally active throughout the day. This would help you in school and in your workouts. If you can keep your mind active during school, your are much more likely to understand the ideas being taught in class. The most important thing about getting the right amount of rest is that your body requires energy to work, and sleep allows your body to regenerate. Being active is very important to living a healthy life, and your body requires rest to stay active, so make sure you get about 7-9 hours of sleep every night.

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